
Discovering you’re a time-freezing superhero isn’t supposed to be like this.

Sure, Tim can take revenge on the school bullies, thwart bank robberies and save falling window cleaners – but why is his best friend injured then abducted from hospital, what’s causing his father’s fainting fits, who is his unsettling new neighbour and why hasn’t anyone else noticed him?

On top of it all, violent storms are brewing, looking like the sky might crack open, and he hasn’t finished his trebuchet for the school fête.

Still, at least the dodo might be coming back and he’s found a book that might be useful, or would be if he could understand Greek.

When time stands still (properly standing still, not like double-Geography after lunch), normal rules don’t always apply.

(age 10-15)

What did a Year-7 class (ages 11-12) say about it?

  • “…jam packed with lots of action, excitement and crafty surprises…”
  • “…I really hope you get the book published because it was excellent to read…”
  • “…it is one of the best books I read because it is something different: nothing like the typical boys’ book with a teenage spy trying and succeeding in dangerous missions…”
  • “…well-suited to me and my friends’ age…”
  • “…you did all the characters very realistically, I could almost feel as if Jack was my friend from my school…”
  • “…I found the book really funny…”
  • “…I was engrossed in it for a couple of days until I finished it…”
  • “…it is a witty, humorous, action packed and overall amazing book which I think has potential to sell in many numbers…”

Click here to read the first extract.